Koti Uutisia Aktivismi Nordic Voice #7: Street action and movie review

Nordic Voice #7: Street action and movie review


Pohjoismaisen Vastarintaliikkeen sekä pohjoismaisten kansallissosialistien tuottama englanninkielinen Nordic Voice -radio-ohjelma on julkaissut seitsemännen jaksonsa. Ohjelman juontajissa on edustettuna kaikki Pohjolan maat. Alla jakson esittelyteksti:

This time we will have with us:

Kristian, who enjoys hanging transexual park benches off bridges (DK)
Tom, straight out of Nazi-Zombie-Land (NO)

Onni, who is living the Finnish dream of knife fighting and cheap Russian gasoline (FN)

Tommy, today he fights for the cause whereas two years ago he honked for the cause (SE)

Max, the show Führer!

This time they will talk about the public struggle and how important it is to show your face outside the digital battlefield. Beside of that we will, as always, deal with the activity reports of each country, have damn good music and lots of good content right from the front lines of the new north.
Tune in and enjoy!